Title: A History of Charlton Park

009a 1746 Estate Map (whole) ©Glos Archives© Gloucestershire ArchivesThe 1746 Charlton Park Estate Map prepared for William Prinn by John Clifford. Sandy Lane (Old London Road) is above the 'Compass Star' - crossing the park to the upper left edge of the map.Cheltenham is to the left of this map.

009b 1746 Estate Map (part) ©Glos Archives© Gloucestershire ArchivesThis closer view of the 1746 Estate Map better shows the tree-lined Old London Road/Sandy Road crossing the park from the lower right edge, parallel with the Lilley Brook towards Cheltenham, before its closure and diversion in the 1780s.

009c Mansion insert from the 1746 Estate Map  ©Glos Archives© Gloucestershire ArchivesForden House (Charlton Park's Mansion) from the border picture on William Prinn's 1746 Estate Map




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