Title: A History of Charlton Park

 029 Aerial View of Charlton Park 1982 © David Hanks

© Cotswold ImagesThe aerial photograph of Charlton Park was taken in 1982 - when King William Drive was partially built.
It is the upper of the front page's three 'layers of history', sitting almost exactly over the 1843 Estate Map.
Today it is easier to use 'Google Earth' for aerial views like this.

030 Aerial View of Charlton Park 1987 © David Hanks© Cotswold Images1987 and a well developed Charlton Park beds down for the future.
Bovis Homes slightly newer Moorend Glade is on the right
(Moorend Road, lower edge; Old Bath Road, upper edge)

031 Aerial View of Charlton Park 2008 + titles © David Hanks© Cotswold ImagesBy 2008 four well established housing developments cover most of the old Charlton Park (south-west view)

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