Title: A History of Charlton Park

024 Charlton Park Convent 1982 © David Hanks© Cotswold ImagesHow the author first saw Charlton Park's lovely old 'mansion' in 1982 Charlton Park Convent's 1960 extension is the block on the left

 025 Charlton Park Convent 1983 © David Hanks© Cotswold ImagesIn 1982 it was still possible to see the Convent from Charlton Park, across this lake on the Lilley Brook 026 Charlton Park Convent 1983 © David Hanks© Cotswold ImagesBy 1987 the view was partially lost in Charlton Park as newly planted trees in the Convent grounds matured. 027 St Edward's School 2008 © David Hanks© Cotswold ImagesIn 2008 the lake has gone and St Edward's School has recently added the new Abbot Building behind the cedar tree.
The lake silted up and is completely grown over indicating how quickly nature will reclaim the park if allowed to.
[photo with permission of St. Edward's School]

028 St Edward's School 2008 © David Hanks© Cotswold Images2008 south-east view of former mansion with modern extensions to the right.
[Photo with permission of St. Edward's School]

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